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Zombies, coming to a Melbourne near you

Ah… nothing like a zombie march to get the blood pumping. Does it really matter if it’s flowing from an exposed wound? I don’t think so.

Zombie marches are held everywhere, but Melbourne’s own undead shuffle is taking place this weekend on May 1. The horde will start at the Carlton Gardens north of the city at 1PM, and shamble its way to the metro core, bringing all the fake corpulent skin you could ever want with it. Even if the only shooting will be done with cameras, I’m sure it’ll be fun for everyone who doesn’t instantly drop a potato in their underdaks. If the photos from previous years are anything to go by, it should be a blast.

And, despite being an amateur affair, some of the makeup and effects are quite good… more than good enough to find their way into a certain zombie survival simulator…

Melbourne Zombie Shuffle 2010 [that’s melbourne]

~ by Logan on April 27, 2010.

One Response to “Zombies, coming to a Melbourne near you”

  1. […] on May 10th. Rocket Knight reboot to hit networks in May – 12th for PC + XBLA, 18th for PSN. Melbourne Zombie March, May […]