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Will be posting more images soon, but wanted to show off the dynamic note system. This is just one type, the post-it. Others include typewritten pages and, well, make suggestions if you like!

Development is ongoing and I’m getting closer to an alpha release – much closer than the previous incarnation of Zafehouse 2 ever managed. Trying to hit dates, but it really is unpredictable right now. Just know that I’m working hard on the game every chance I get. This is about 2-3 hours a day right now.

PS. Ignore the note text… it’s purely placeholder. ;)

~ by Logan on March 23, 2011.

8 Responses to “Notes”


  2. I thought you was dead, man. Keep going, we belive in you xD

  3. I’ll wait for you for years. I’m sure you’re doing something great :)

  4. So when would this alpha gameplay come out?

  5. Hey man. I loved Zafehouse, and I’m really looking forward to ZH2. As for notes, how about on scraps of papers? Maybe on the back of receipts? Post cards? Index cards? I’d imagine people needing to write stuff down would just use whatever’s at hand.

  6. FYI: WE STILL WANT THIS, don’t give up! :)

  7. @bbad89: I know I’m awful when it comes to dates, so I’ve decided to stop making promises. :P I’ll just keep working on it until it’s done. What I can tell you is that I have a clear direction for the game now, which I never had with its previous incarnations.

  8. @Shane: I’m adding a lot of different “note” types, but thanks for the suggestion. Right now, it’s figuring out how to use them best in the game.

    I’m also note 100% happy with how they’re being rendered, so I may have to put them aside until I find a good way of drawing them.