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Combat prototype #2 is underway, Zafehouse 2 demo by June (star alignment pending)

I’ve returned, thoroughly, from my overseas journey and am back on Zafehouse 2. Combat is the focus right now, the first prototype gone and the second one bubbling along nicely. My first task is to implement firing arcs for weapons and nailing the interface. Then I’ll be working on furniture placement and zombie attack AI.

I’m personally a little giddy about how it’ll all play out, and I reckon you’ll be pleasantly surprised yourself with the revamped combat. It has a flavour all its own, one I’m quite proud of. The instant it’s all working, expect a shiny video.

I will be working very, very hard to release the game this year, and extra super hard to squeeze it out a demo before the end of June.

Z2 has benefited enormously from the input of (what I hope are) fans, and it is a better game for those lovingly suggested modifications. In particular, kulik242 seems to have a direct connection to my brain; many of his suggestions adding the final pieces to my own, half-formed ideas. I think it’s wise to listen to those on the outside, the external observers, because distance is a magical thing in the creative realms.

In the meantime, if the survival horror simulation itch just won’t go away, check out Zafehouse: Infection, a user-made mod of the original Zafehouse. It’s got me thinking Z1 could do with a refresh sometime in the future…

Once Z2 is done, of course. :)

~ by Logan on January 26, 2010.

4 Responses to “Combat prototype #2 is underway, Zafehouse 2 demo by June (star alignment pending)”

  1. nice to hear, can’t wait till June then :) what will the new video be showing? more combat?

  2. Hope you had a nice vacation.
    Whoa firing arcs, zombie AI? I can’t wait to hear the full concept.
    …also thanks for mentioning me i feel very flattered. :)

  3. […] I mentioned in a previous update, the original combat implementation was ground into a fine, code-tasting dust and packed away, […]

  4. […] I mentioned in a previous update, the original combat implementation was ground into a fine, code-tasting dust and packed away, […]