4e Power Toolkit v0.4 Beta released
Found a few hours to pour into the 4e Power Toolkit. After my brief tangle with integrating 4ePT powers into CrawlNotes, I decided to make the process easier. As a side effect, it’s also cake now to post powers into blogs and forums (where HTML is permitted).
A full list of improvements below:
* Added right-click menu to power preview window. Menu options will show windows for the original source, inline source and image preview. Both the source text and image can be copied from these windows.
* Added new power HTML export options:
– Embedded CSS, when the power will be displayed by itself on a single web page
– Inline CSS, for use in blog and forum posts and CrawlNotes* Added new power image export options:
– BMP, provided for maximum compatibility with other applications
– PNG, for web use and reduce file size. Note PNG is a lossless format, and should be the one used most of the time* Changelog window now uses Courier New font for improved readability
* Fixed an additional bug with the Class Creator window that would cause it to scroll when it shouldn’t
* Fixed some error checking quirks with Save/Load dialogs
No need to dilly-dally now! Pick v0.4 up over at the apps page.
[…] Update: No need to go to all this trouble! the process has been streamlined from version 0.4 Beta of the Power Toolkit. […]
Playwrite: Putting powers into your CrawlNotes printouts said this on June 22nd, 2009 at 5:55 am