My old job is back on the market
David Wildgoose has decided to leave Kotaku AU after almost two years at the helm. Which means Allure’s on the hunt for a new editor. Hey, that’s totally something I could do! ;)
Seriously though, the idea of going back to journalism is appealing. But, I know I’ve found my home in the games industry. It’s more fun to make ’em than write about ’em. At least for me – I think a few people get hooked on the freebies and junkets and lose sight of what being a journo (let alone a games journo) is all about.
It’s great when you accept that you want to move on; it’s even better when you actually do. That’s the hard part.
Amen Loges.
Not so far off myself I think. It’s just picking a direction :) Now if only I had any skills to offer Valve :)
Remind me to swing by Melbourne some time and buy you a few beers.
Craig Simms said this on August 23rd, 2010 at 6:11 pm
You’re a demon when it comes to impersonations. Maybe you could throw them a Christopher Walken and see what happens!
Come to Melbourne! Loads of great micro-bars to have a chat and a drink without having sweaty bodies* rubbing up against you like in Syds.
*Of dudes. And fatties.
Logan said this on August 23rd, 2010 at 7:08 pm