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A sad day for Pandemic

While it appears Pandemic hasn’t closed down, it has let a number of employees go. And the number sounds like it could be significant.

If you want confirmation, you need go no further than Seven Degrees of Freedom, the blog of (now ex) Pandemic coder Tony Albrecht:

Yes. I have been made redundant. But that’s OK, I feel pretty good about it.

All the best to Tony and Pandemic – very unpleasant news so early in the year.

For those of you that are wondering… [Seven Degrees of Freedom]

~ by Logan on January 14, 2009.

One Response to “A sad day for Pandemic”

  1. It’s a sad day for game devs in Australia (and my chance of landing a game dev position without leaving Brisbane).
    Logan, do you have any indication of how many people have lost their jobs?